
Showing posts from August, 2017

A Story About My Faith

Hey Ya'll and Welcome Back 💞 For todays blog post I wanted to share about my faith.  Now more than ever is when I need my faith the most. My faith is something that I have never really been open about.  It is something that I have always just kept more to myself.  One thing that I have always respected and admired about my parents, is that they put God at the core of our family.  Not that this matters but I am Catholic.  My mom was born and raised Catholic.  Most people don't know this but my dad converted to Catholicism for my mom.  My mom never forced my dad to convert and it just is another testament to the love they have for one another.  My sister and I were actually baptized at my parents Catholic wedding and it is a day I still remember.  We have always been a family that went to mass together.  My parents never forced us to go but as I got older I realized how much I love going to mass.   In high school m...

Letting it all out...

Hey Ya'll and Welcome Back 💞 For todays post I just want to reflect and honestly get out what I am feeling at this point.  I am passionate about this blog and I love writing how I feel.  This blog in a way has been a blessing and has allowed me to have a place where I can write about what I choose.  In this point in time this is that one place I feel like allows me to process.  I just want to share my point of view from the past three days. For those that have read my last blog you know what has happened recently in my life.  If you haven't read my previous post I recommend reading it to get a better understanding of this moment of reflection.    I want to start with Tuesday August 15, 2017.  After finding out the news about mom a part of me has changed.  From the moment the doctor began speaking and even now it is almost as if I am having this weird out of body experience.  I don't know exactly how to describe this fee...

Update on Mom

Hey Ya'll and Welcome Back 💞 Todays blog post was not easy to write but with permission from mom she has allowed me to share a moment that I pray no one ever has to face. August 15, 2017 a day that seemed like any other day.  Mom and I were on our way to the cancer center.  While I was pulling into the parking garage mom gets a phone call.  The call was from her radiation oncologist informing her of a stat MRI.  We walk into the cancer center like all the other times we have.  She gets her lab work and we walk over to her little pod waiting for treatment.  The nurse comes over and informs us that they needed to start an iv for the MRI.  I began getting a little anxious due to the urgency the nurses and doctor had.   Mom has been very unstable and weak the past couple of weeks.  Walking has become a struggle for her and it just seemed like mom was moving backwards towards recovery.  We place mom in a wheelchair an...

Happy Birthday Tim Tebow

Hey Ya'll and Welcome Back 💞 For todays blog post I wanted to dedicate it to my favorite athlete Tim Tebow. I wanted to first start by wishing this amazing human being a very Happy Birthday! 🎉   Those that know me know how much of a college football fan I am.  I have watched Tim play ever since he played at The University of Florida.  He played with heart, passion and determination.  A very selfish part of me wishes he was still playing in the NFL.  Even though the NFL didn't work out for Tim he didn't stop or give up as an athlete.     One thing I love about Tim is his will to never give up.  Time after time when teams, coaches and managers tell him "no" he turns that "no" into proving them all wrong.  It is as if the word "no" makes him work even harder to prove to the world that he can and WILL achieve his goals.  If only we had more athletes like Tim to inspire all those athletes who are scared to chase their dre...

Fitness Friday

Hey Ya'll and Welcome Back 💞   For today's post I wanted to share a 1,000 rep at home workout!  I decided to do the workout before writing about it.  Now that I've completed the entire workout let me share what each exercise is and how it went!   Heidi Somers aka Buff Bunny posted a video about a 1,000 rep at home workout.  After watching the video I decided to give it a go for my Friday workout.  This is such a great leg and booty workout.  While watching the video I thought that doesn't look to difficult.  Um yea, I was greatly mistaken.  My legs and booty will be sore for the next week!  Ok, not really but you catch my drift.  Call me crazy but I live for leg days.  I don't know what it is but nothing feels better to me than working out those legs of mine.  My legs have been a huge work in progress and so I like to work them as much as I can.  Thankfully, God blessed me with a booty 🍑  so f...

The Truth About Makeup

Hey Ya'll and Welcome Back 💞 For today's post I wanted to talk about beauty and more in depth makeup.  No this isn't a post where I review makeup products.  This is more of an opinion on my view on makeup in general.      One thing is for sure I am a total girly girl.  I could spend hours in places like Ulta, Sephora and MAC just looking at all the different makeup products.  Ever since I was younger I have always played dress up including putting on makeup.  Now thankfully my makeup techniques have come a long way.  Thank you beauty YouTubers for that!  At the end of the day I put on makeup not because society tells me I need it.  I wear makeup because I like how it adds to a specific look I am trying to achieve.      Makeup is something that I use to think I had to wear in order to be socially accepted.  The only way to get a man is if you are done up 24/7.  Insert heavy eye roll 😒  I don'...

Week 2 Update

Hey Ya'll and Welcome Back 💞      For todays blog post I wanted to share my second week of my 12 week program.   So here it is:       Week 2 -             The first day of this week was what I thought would be a good start to the week.  I mean Monday's are usually not everyones best day.  For me Monday was good to me.  I tried the Monster Ultra Zero as a pre workout drink.  Never in my life have I been an energy drink kind of girl but it was delicious.  I like that Monster in particular because it has excellent macros and I don't feel guilty drinking it.   The drink also gave me lots of energy that carried on well after my workout.  It didn't leave me feeling jittery or weird and something I will continue to drink a few times a week.      One part of me sharing each week is that I want to be very honest.  Share the highs, lows and in between...

Why I love Alabama Football

Hey Ya'll Welcome Back!      Today's blog post is about a sport that I have loved ever since I was a little girl, Football!  One of my friends (Hi Anna) sent me a video of Alabama Football and it got me so hype and ready for this season.  Their are exactly 29 days, 8 hours and 22 minutes until our first kickoff! Yes this may seem crazy but when your an Alabama fan you just know these things lol.  Also because fan day is tomorrow which gets me even more pumped!! I wanted to share how I first began following the tide and why I love Alabama Football. 🏈 🐘      I was born in Lubbock, Texas and when I was younger I loved I mean loved Texas Tech.  Texas Tech will always be a team I cheer for and they hold a special place in my heart.  My love for college football started at a young age.  Looking back now it is crazy which two teams played each other when I attended my very first college football game.  One team was...

My Hero and Her Story

Hey Ya'll & Welcome Back💞   When we hear the word hero we think of people like superman, a character in a comic book who defeats "the enemy," or even all of the brave men and women in the military. Those men and women are definitely heroes in their own right!   For me my hero is my beautiful and amazing mom and this is her story:   4 years ago my mom received some news that would forever change our lives. It is the type of news that you can only think about the negatives that come with it.  My mom had a mole that was located on her temple area.  She got it removed and the doctor sent it in for test.  From his positivity we didn't feel the need to worry, but he wanted to check the mole just to be safe.  My parents came home after meeting with the doctor who went over the results of the mole.  When they sat me and my sister down I knew this couldn't be good.  Keep in mind a few months prior to this my papa passed away from cance...