The Truth About Makeup

Hey Ya'll and Welcome Back πŸ’ž

For today's post I wanted to talk about beauty and more in depth makeup.  No this isn't a post where I review makeup products.  This is more of an opinion on my view on makeup in general.

     One thing is for sure I am a total girly girl.  I could spend hours in places like Ulta, Sephora and MAC just looking at all the different makeup products.  Ever since I was younger I have always played dress up including putting on makeup.  Now thankfully my makeup techniques have come a long way.  Thank you beauty YouTubers for that!  At the end of the day I put on makeup not because society tells me I need it.  I wear makeup because I like how it adds to a specific look I am trying to achieve.

     Makeup is something that I use to think I had to wear in order to be socially accepted.  The only way to get a man is if you are done up 24/7.  Insert heavy eye roll πŸ˜’  I don't know about any of the rest of you girls but some days I am doing good if I get dressed and brush my hair.  I am not gonna lie I use to be the type of girl that had to have a full face of makeup before leaving their house.  Heaven forbid someone actually see me in public with out makeup.  πŸ˜±

       The point I am trying to make is that makeup shouldn't define you.  We are all beautiful without it, and makeup only enhances the beauty we already have.  No girl should ever have to feel that they are not beautiful without makeup.  If you don't want to wear makeup you don't have to it's ok.  You go out their and rock that bare face.  As I have gotten older I have come to the realization that I am the same person with or without the makeup.  Makeup is like any other accessory.  It's like wearing jewelry or shoes. I personally like to get dolled up but that is just me.  Other girls that is just not their thing and we need to accept that.

I dare each of you who have a fear or hard time leaving your house without makeup to try it.  Also, we need to stop putting other girls down and pressuring them into thinking makeup is the only way to feel and look beautiful.

Post a pic of yourself makeup free.  No edits or filters just you and your beautiful bare face!

Until next time, have a great day and God Bless😊


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