Why I love Alabama Football

Hey Ya'll Welcome Back!

     Today's blog post is about a sport that I have loved ever since I was a little girl, Football!  One of my friends (Hi Anna) sent me a video of Alabama Football and it got me so hype and ready for this season.  Their are exactly 29 days, 8 hours and 22 minutes until our first kickoff! Yes this may seem crazy but when your an Alabama fan you just know these things lol.  Also because fan day is tomorrow which gets me even more pumped!! I wanted to share how I first began following the tide and why I love Alabama Football. 🏈 🐘

     I was born in Lubbock, Texas and when I was younger I loved I mean loved Texas Tech.  Texas Tech will always be a team I cheer for and they hold a special place in my heart.  My love for college football started at a young age.  Looking back now it is crazy which two teams played each other when I attended my very first college football game.  One team was a team I loved with all my heart at the time and the other was a team that I now love.  January 2006, I attended the Cotton Bowl where Texas Tech and Alabama played each other.  (WHAT!!!)

     I was so excited because I finally got to attend a Texas Tech football game.  The funny thing is I had no interest what so ever in Alabama.  My dad was happy because he has been an Alabama fan since forever!  Our seats were right on the end of the Tech fans and to my left were nothing but Alabama fans.  We were in the South end zone and had such a great view.  We came to the end of the 4th quarter and the game was tied.  Alabama had the last possession and all they had to do was kick a field goal.  The end zone they kicked to was the end zone we were sitting at.  I waved my arms and screamed thinking that would distract the kicker.  Nope, he made this dinky field goal and Alabama won the game.  I remember feeling so sad and mad because I wanted Texas Tech to win so badly.  

     The Alabama fans started singing this song and I thought how rude it was.  My dad laughed because I couldn't believe they sang such a rude song and he thought it was great.  The song they sang that day is a song I sing at the top of my lungs after every Alabama victory.  "We just beat the hell out of you, Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer give' em hell Alabama"! Rammer Jammer an Alabama classic.  Maybe attending that specific game as my first college football experience was a sign for the future.  

     Let's fast forward to the 2009 Rose Bowl!  This was the National Championship between Alabama and University of Texas (sorry to all my UT fans but a school I have never liked).  I knew that I would not be cheering for UT and thought to give Alabama another shot.  After watching this game was when I fell in love with the Crimson Tide.  It was just something about how they played the game that I loved so much.  I guess it was the old school type of football.  Not to mention how huge they were and looked like an NFL team plus they beat UT which always makes me happy.  

     I finally fell in love with the team my dad has loved since he was younger and understood why he loved them so much.  We started watching Alabama football games together and I grew even more love with each game I watched of them.  They were this classy team that just went out and played football.  In 2013 I attended a college football game featuring the team that had stolen my heart.  We lived in Austin at the time and Alabama was playing Texas A&M in College Station.  My first game where I was the Alabama fan.  Our seats were right by the best band in all of college football, The Million Dollar Band!! I remember watching Alabama run out of the tunnel and getting chills because of not only their size but because I watched these guys on tv.  Once again Alabama pulled off the victory and after the game I remember AJ Mccarron walking right by me.  Believe it or not I get super shy around athletes and was to much in shock to ask for a picture.

     Last year I finally got to attend my first game at Bryant Denny and it did not disappoint at all. Every game inside BD I always get chills and realize that this is truly my happy place.  For all of you who are college football fans I highly recommend attending a game at Bryant Denny you will not be disappointed.  It is a stadium full of energy, excitement and tradition and a must see place to experience!

Roll Tide!!  Is it football season yet lol?

Until next time, hope ya'll have a great day and God Bless😊  


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