A Story About My Faith

Hey Ya'll and Welcome Back 💞

For todays blog post I wanted to share about my faith.  Now more than ever is when I need my faith the most.

My faith is something that I have never really been open about.  It is something that I have always just kept more to myself.  One thing that I have always respected and admired about my parents, is that they put God at the core of our family.  Not that this matters but I am Catholic.  My mom was born and raised Catholic.  Most people don't know this but my dad converted to Catholicism for my mom.  My mom never forced my dad to convert and it just is another testament to the love they have for one another.  My sister and I were actually baptized at my parents Catholic wedding and it is a day I still remember.  We have always been a family that went to mass together.  My parents never forced us to go but as I got older I realized how much I love going to mass.  

In high school my faith began to grow thanks to my parents once again.  They were involved in youth group and ccd that I attended.  Seeing how much their faith meant to them really made me want to have that same kind of relationship with God.  I am not perfect and in high school I just didn't know how to truly connect with God.  I am a very visual person and so it was hard for me to connect to someone who I couldn't see.  Even though I believed I still hadn't become a true believer.  A part of me just wasn't sure why my faith just wasn't as strong as those around me.  It didn't discourage me it just meant I needed to put more work into this relationship.  

Recently I have come to terms with things in life happening for a reason.  Even if I don't accept each of these things that happen.  Still to this day I have a moment where I beat myself up for not attending college right out of high school.  Then I realize if I had taken a different path then the people in my life now wouldn't be and that makes me sad.  Every stop I have made on this path of life was meant to take place.  I wouldn't be attending The University of Alabama if I had taken a path not made for me.  Sometimes I have wondered if I had done things differently would mom have gotten sick.  Then I think about my parents moving to a bigger city with more medical knowledge was a blessing.  

My faith has grown the most just in the last eight months.  It all started in January with my Grannys passing.  I began just praying more and opening myself up to God.  Exactly one month later when mom was rushed to the ER I seemed to find myself turning to God.  This moment I am about to share is the moment I realized God was always with me.  One day after one of my classes I was walking to the bus hub.  It was raining and as I was walking I slipped in mud and fell.  I got up and noticed that I had mud all over the front of my pants.  Wiping off as much I could I continued walking to the bus hub.  Fighting back tears I just kept thinking really why me?  During this time in between classes I was going to the hospital to be by moms side.  I got inside my car and called mom.  I explained that I had to go home and change because mud was all over the front of my pants.  She was talking to me and tears ran down my face.  As I was driving home I just began talking to God.  In that moment as I was talking to God I just felt like he was sitting right next to me in the passenger seat.  That conversation still to this day is one of the best conversations I've ever had with him.  Car rides when I am alone are that one time I get in some good talks with the lord.  

I finally feel his presence each and everyday.  For me one of my worst days turned into my best because thats when I discovered God and became a true believer.  He is that one person I can count on to talk to.  In the past eight months I could've really gone a different direction and lost my faith completely.  I could've become angry and upset with God but I for some reason couldn't.  A part of me has wondered why I am not married because at my age it's like ok you need to get married.  God knew my family needed me more at this point in my life.  They are my priority right now and when I am ready he will send the love of my life.  Again another moment I have come to realize.  

My faith isn't perfect but it is something that is very important to me.  It keeps me going especially during times that I am tested.  Even though this is a rough time in not only my life but my families, God is still at the core of us.  If my parents hadn't instilled that foundation when they started a family who knows how we would be dealing with things now.  He gives us hope even in the darkest of times.  God loves us for us and that is such a beautiful thing.  

I will continue to grow my faith and, pray that I am able to build that same foundation with my family like my parents did for me.  

Until next time, have a great day and God Bless 😊


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