Happy Birthday Tim Tebow

Hey Ya'll and Welcome Back 💞

For todays blog post I wanted to dedicate it to my favorite athlete Tim Tebow.

I wanted to first start by wishing this amazing human being a very Happy Birthday! 🎉

  Those that know me know how much of a college football fan I am.  I have watched Tim play ever since he played at The University of Florida.  He played with heart, passion and determination.  A very selfish part of me wishes he was still playing in the NFL.  Even though the NFL didn't work out for Tim he didn't stop or give up as an athlete.  

  One thing I love about Tim is his will to never give up.  Time after time when teams, coaches and managers tell him "no" he turns that "no" into proving them all wrong.  It is as if the word "no" makes him work even harder to prove to the world that he can and WILL achieve his goals.  If only we had more athletes like Tim to inspire all those athletes who are scared to chase their dreams.  He goes to show that life may try to knock you down but you continue to get up and fight.  

  Tim is someone I respect because he is not scared to share his faith.  It is sad that he is ridiculed and made fun of for sharing his faith.  Even though the media tries to tell him that sharing your faith just is not cool.  He isn't afraid to stand up for what he believes in and for that I respect him.   His strong faith inspires me to continue to grow my faith.  I got his book Shaken for Christmas and it is my go to when I need inspiration when times in life get hard.  

  The Tim Tebow Foundation is my favorite foundation and something I support 100%.  It stands for creating a brighter day for those in need.  A huge part of me would love to work for his foundation.  Every part of his foundation is truly remarkable.  I would love to go and visit his Timmy's Playroom.  It is located inside certain hospitals around not only the country but the world.  One hospital that has a Timmy's Playroom is the hospital I was born in, and would love to go to that Timmy's Playroom in particular.   Another side of his foundation is The Night to Shine and making all those with special needs feel like they do belong in this world.  Having a sister who is autistic it means the world that someone is trying to make these amazing people realize that they matter.  His Night to Shine is a prom for those with special needs.  They are all awarded as kings and queens.  Each person that attends gets to have there hair, makeup and pampered in any way.  One of the greatest parts is each of them getting to walk on the red carpet.  Tim is so good with making these beautiful human beings feel like they matter and they are amazing gifts from God.  I saw a video where he met an autistic boy at one of his baseball games.  After meeting him Tim goes up to bat and hits a home run.  I feel like it was Gods way of thanking Tim for loving and taking care of all his children.  

I have had the opportunity to meet Tim twice.  The first time I met him was in College Station, TX.  He was there for SEC Nation and I stood by the set praying I would get an opportunity to meet him.  He walked down off the set and walked right towards me.  I got so nervous and at the same time told myself not to mess this up.  With hundreds of people around me I knew I had to make the move to talk to him.  Touching his arm I asked if I could take a picture with him.  He smiled and said "of course."  Tim noticed the shirt I was wearing which was from his foundation.  We took the picture and I told him thank you.  He then proceeded by telling me "thank you," for supporting my foundation.  I told him that it was the one foundation I believed in 100%.  After this moment I was on cloud nine.  I have always admired Tim and getting to meet him I didn't want that admiration to change.  The Tim you see on tv is the same Tim in real life.  After meeting him twice I gained even more respect and admiration for him.  The second time I met Tim was last year when he came to Tuscaloosa for SEC Nation.  Both times I have met him he has been so kind and just wish I didn't get so nervous around him.  Butterflies have filled my stomach both times.  

  So here is why Tim Tebow is a man I respect and inspires me to strive to create a brighter day for those in need.  Tim if you ever read this, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you do.  Thank you for giving me a foundation to believe in.  Thank you for accepting all types of people.  Lastly thank you for being you.  Happy Birthday Tim Tebow!!

Until next time, have a great day and God Bless 😊


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