
Showing posts from November, 2017

Taking Time Away From Blogging...

Hey Ya'll and Welcome Back 💞 As much as I love blogging and starting this blog has been one of the best things for me, for my own health and well being I need to take time away.  I want to be able to put out really good content and I have felt like I have failed at that lately.  Balancing school, this blog, and trying to figure out my new reality have all been stressing me out.  In order for me to prevent myself from going crazy I need to focus on one thing at a time.   I am experiencing all kinds of emotions and feelings right now that I can't explain.  School has been a challenge within itself and am trying to put in my best effort to keep my 4.0.  Even though I have no motivation left in me this semester to achieve that.  This has been the worst year of my life and effects of this year are catching up with me. I'm just not ok right now.  I can't continue to run away from this year and all the pain it has brought.   ...

Knowing an actual Wonder Woman...

Hey Ya'll and Welcome Back💞 For todays blog post I want to write about knowing an actual Wonder Woman. Yesterday after mass I stopped at Walgreens to pick up a few things.  I asked dad if we could just have a chill day.  Chill meaning get some movies from red box and have a movie day.  Also my kind of chill where I just wanted to lay on the couch and not get up.  My moms passing hit me really hard this week and I can't begin to tell you the pain that has hit me.  This week has been an absolute struggle and crying has become something I do multiple times a day.  Staying at home seems to be the only thing I want to do right now.  I have to muster up this strength each morning just to get out of bed and get out of the house.   With that being said one of the movies I have been really wanting to see is Wonder Woman.  So many people have been telling me that I should.  Thankfully today it was at red box and it was the fi...

The Ultimate Tour...

Hey Ya'll and Welcome Back💞 For todays post I want to talk about a moment that happened two days after mom passed. As you all know my family and I are huge Alabama Football fans!  While we had other family in town and as something to do Coach Aly offered to give us a tour.  This wasn't just any tour but like the ultimate tour at The University of Alabama.  Not just of our athletic facility but also of the football facility. Right before mom passed I just asked God give me some kind of sign that she was ok.  Just something I want you to keep in mind while reading this.  Also I have several pictures for this post so it will be more picture based. One of our first stops of this tour was going into Nick Saban's office.  Yes you read that correctly and this is actually a picture I took of his desk.  I honestly would've been happy if this was all that we saw.  He had just left when we got there and his cell phone and fresh coffee were on ...

Losing a Best Friend but gaining a Guardian Angel...

Hey Ya'll and Welcome Back 💞 In order for me to move on and continue with this blog, I must share a moment that has been hard for me to relive again.  Every time I think that I am ready to write this specific post, I end up doing things to keep me busy so I don't have to. I guess no time is ever a good time and I am still not full ready.  If I could continue to put it off I would.  Let's be honest I am not ready to accept my new reality, but if I am going to start healing it starts with this post. Wednesday October 11, 2017 the day mom would be transported for the final time to the hospice house.  At that time she had become unresponsive (in terms of not verbally communicating) and hadn't eaten or drank in a couple of days.  Even though she wasn't able to verbally communicate she was still herself.  Thursday mom had gotten pain medication and as soon as it went into her body she began her rapid decline.   The nurses didn't thin...