Knowing an actual Wonder Woman...

Hey Ya'll and Welcome Back💞
For todays blog post I want to write about knowing an actual Wonder Woman.

Yesterday after mass I stopped at Walgreens to pick up a few things.  I asked dad if we could just have a chill day.  Chill meaning get some movies from red box and have a movie day.  Also my kind of chill where I just wanted to lay on the couch and not get up.  My moms passing hit me really hard this week and I can't begin to tell you the pain that has hit me.  This week has been an absolute struggle and crying has become something I do multiple times a day.  Staying at home seems to be the only thing I want to do right now.  I have to muster up this strength each morning just to get out of bed and get out of the house.  

With that being said one of the movies I have been really wanting to see is Wonder Woman.  So many people have been telling me that I should.  Thankfully today it was at red box and it was the first movie I added to our cart.  Something was really getting me pumped about this movie.  Rachel picked out a movie to watch and then I chose one more movie.  I mean we had to have plenty of movies for this movie day we were about to have.  

When we got home and everyone was getting settled to watch the movies I knew I wanted to watch Wonder Woman last.  I don't know why this was just felt like it needed to be the grand finale.  One thing I love is watching movies at night and it being totally dark.  It's as if your at your very own home theatre.  Also the volume has to be super loud.  One so dad can hear and two because I like to hear every sound effect.  Kind of a movie geek when it comes to seeing and hearing the total picture.  

The movie begins to play and the opening scene comes on of all names Diana is Wonder Woman.  From hearing her name it changed my whole perspective on the movie.  It was like my mom was playing a movie made for me to see.  Like a visual effect version of the final few days of my moms life here on Earth.  A glimpse into the dreams she was having and would never tell me about.  Just when I thought I would never know about those dreams she had promised me she would share.  

All I can say is I finally get it.  As the movie went on it became more and more clear to me that this was what my mom was doing those few days leading up to her passing.  Mom was fighting in Gods Army.  She was fighting away evil spirits, saving souls and helping God.  It was like God asked her will you fight with me and she said um duh?  You don't think I am just gonna quit to easy do you.  The moment mom changed for the worse, on the outside it looked horrible, but on the inside that is when mom was suiting up getting ready to fight.  Mom fought for six days straight and you could tell towards the end she was facing her biggest battle.  Coach Aly kept saying, "your mom is working on some top secret stuff for the Lord"!  At that moment I was like yea but now I am like OH YEAH she was.  Just imagine having the biggest mind blowing moment ever.  That is me right now.  

Moms armor of strength!

This movie being a portrayal of moms suffering was one thing I took away from this movie.  Another thing is it giving me motivation and empowering me personally.  For my entire life I have always put people before myself.  In order for me to continue taking care of people I must first take care of myself.  I must become my own kind of Wonder Woman.  For once in my life I need to just focus on me and stop worrying about taking care of others right now.  It is my time to fight for what I want and to put on my suit of armor.  

The moment mom passed away I felt this huge amount of strength come over me.  Like in the movie when Diana's mom was passing on that torch to her, my mom was passing on her torch to me.  With God and my mom inside of me I can do anything.  When you come from a mom who is Wonder Woman you learn how to be strong.  Even though I am in a weak time in my life, with training, hard work and practice I will one day get my strength back.  

Writing these blogs is something that gives me life and hope.  Writing these blogs has sparked a passion for sharing my life and for writing.  Writing these blogs has made me want to help and reach others facing challenges. Writing these blogs will help me find my inner Wonder Woman.  

May all of you find your inner Wonder Woman.  When life knocks you down dust yourself off and get back in the fight.  

Until next time, have a great day and God Bless


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