Taking Time Away From Blogging...

Hey Ya'll and Welcome Back 💞

As much as I love blogging and starting this blog has been one of the best things for me, for my own health and well being I need to take time away.  I want to be able to put out really good content and I have felt like I have failed at that lately.  Balancing school, this blog, and trying to figure out my new reality have all been stressing me out.  In order for me to prevent myself from going crazy I need to focus on one thing at a time.  

I am experiencing all kinds of emotions and feelings right now that I can't explain.  School has been a challenge within itself and am trying to put in my best effort to keep my 4.0.  Even though I have no motivation left in me this semester to achieve that.  This has been the worst year of my life and effects of this year are catching up with me. I'm just not ok right now.  I can't continue to run away from this year and all the pain it has brought.  

This is a break that will serve major benefit.  When I come back to the blog I want to be refreshed and have figured out where I want my blog to go.  In order for this to happen though my health, mentally and physically must be a priority.  Moving forward with life if I fail to take care of myself it won't be good for anyone especially me.  As this quote above says I am drowning and need to swim my way back up for air.  

Going to miss writing but know that this is what is best for me right now.  I am taking the mask off and not hiding behind it anymore.  No more putting my emotions aside for the sake of others.  Making people laugh and happy brings me so much joy but for right now I can't keep forcing that out of me.  That part of me will come back but how can I make others happy if that just isn't how I feel right now. Even though this isn't easy for me to do I must now put myself first and make me a priority in my own life.  

I am asking for patience from everyone and also thank you for the support and continued prayers.

Until next time, have a great day and God Bless.


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