The Ultimate Tour...

Hey Ya'll and Welcome Back💞
For todays post I want to talk about a moment that happened two days after mom passed.

As you all know my family and I are huge Alabama Football fans!  While we had other family in town and as something to do Coach Aly offered to give us a tour.  This wasn't just any tour but like the ultimate tour at The University of Alabama.  Not just of our athletic facility but also of the football facility.

Right before mom passed I just asked God give me some kind of sign that she was ok.  Just something I want you to keep in mind while reading this.  Also I have several pictures for this post so it will be more picture based.

One of our first stops of this tour was going into Nick Saban's office.  Yes you read that correctly and this is actually a picture I took of his desk.  I honestly would've been happy if this was all that we saw.  He had just left when we got there and his cell phone and fresh coffee were on his desk.  One funny moment is that my grandma was more excited about the candy he had rather than whose office we were in.

Dad, Rachel and I sitting on a couch in his office.  Notice the picture in the background one of my favorites.  It is of the 2009 National Championship where Alabama beat UT (university of Texas).  Just found that to be funny of all the pictures that was the one in particular he had hanging up there.  

This is everyone who came on the tour with us.  Uncle Bill and Dad are showing off  a couple of Nick's National Championship rings.  I tried a couple on and it was really cool and they were huge rings.  As we left his office Nick was waiting around the corner patiently waiting for us to leave.  

Next we make a stop and admire our latest National Championship trophy.  You can actually see it as you drive by in the window but actually getting to be this close to it was even better.  The helmets on either side have the year that each championship was won.  

Here are a few of the BCS National Championship trophies they had that were to the left of the one in the previous picture.  Got to love the photobomb by my Uncle Bill.  

Next we made our way to the meeting room.  This place is huge and this a small section of the entire room.  On the wall are awards of players that did well the week before.  

This is also still part of the meeting room.  Dad getting to sit in one of the comfy chairs.  This would be a great place to watch movies, just saying.  In front of dad was a ginormous screen for when they watch film.  

Next dad and I make a stop in front of this years uniform.  I feel like the mannequin is also a accurate depiction of how solid our football players are.  As if they made a mold out of one our actual players.  After taking this picture we walked through the training room which I don't have any pictures of.  After leaving the training room we headed to the weight room.

So I walk into the weight room and snap a picture of it because it is just amazing.  After taking the picture my friend Peyton kept looking at me.  She was saying something and pointing but I couldn't make out what it was.  As I got closer she pointed again and I thought she was showing me one of our football players.  Remember at the beginning of this blog where I asked God for some kind of sign, well this is it.  When I got to where I could hear what Peyton was saying and I realized it was Tim Tebow.  Tears began to run down my face.  I wasn't crying simply because it was Tim Tebow, but crying because that was all mom.  Crying just thinking about that moment again.  She had her name written all over him being there.  When I asked God for a sign I definitely wasn't expecting something on that big of a scale.  Coach Aly went over to talk to him and he started walking towards us.  Trying to wipe the tears as fast as I could he came and introduced himself to me.  

It won't let me upload the video of me actually meeting him but this was taken from that video.  I usually know where SEC Nation is each week.  For whatever reason I had no idea they were going to be in TTown for the game.  Which made this that much greater it was a genuine shock when I saw him.  

First he took a picture with me and in the video you see everyone clear out of the way.  It is actually pretty funny.  This is the 3rd year in a row I have met him but this time was the most amazing.  This was more of an actual meeting of him where we got to have a conversation.  Even though I had so much I wanted to say but couldn't get the words out.  

This is Tim with Dad, Rachel and I.  Another amazing moment was how incredible he was with Rachel and it made my heart so happy. Tim got to meet so many members of the family and grandma kept asking him why he was single.  My cousin Grace said she was so close to trying to hook him up with me.  It was his blue eyes that she couldn't stop looking into.  

This was also captured in another video I have.  Kind of makes me laugh because Tim has his hand on my shoulder and dad is giving him that look dad's give to guys who talk to their daughters.  Still can't get over the fact he took time out of his workout to come over and talk with us.  It truly meant the world and this moment has got to be one of my favorites.  

After the weight room we went to the indoor and outdoor practice facilities.  I was still on cloud 9 after what just happened.  The tour would've been amazing even if Tim hadn't of been there.  After the tour is when I realized that how could you not believe in a higher power.  There was something so spiritual and powerful about that moment that I just can't explain.  Like in that moment I knew mom was ok and she was in heaven.  Each morning I ask the holy spirit to come and open my heart and eyes.  I am always looking for those messages from mom and most of them have involved Tim.  After something so heartbreaking happening two days prior this was a day that we all needed.  Thank you again Coach Aly for this unforgettable day.   

Until next time, have a great day and God Bless 😊


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