Getting My Groove Back!

Hey Ya'll,

January 1, 2014 I embarked on my own weight loss journey.  I had attempted many times before but I made sure this time was different.  On the outside I seemed like a happy person but on the inside I was disgusted with the person I saw.  I remember crying myself to sleep at night and feeling like maybe I am meant to just be a "bigger girl."  This was my lowest point in life when I was at my own rock bottom.  It was a dark and negative place that I never want to return to.  

Ever since I was a little girl I had always been chubby and would look at food and felt like I gained 20 pounds.  I didn't know what moderation was and ate because I loved food (still love food).  Many people don't know this about me but I had a binge eating disorder that I kept very private.  Food controlled  my life and it was my go to especially during stressful times.  So on January 1, 2014 I told myself that my resolution would be to get the weight off.  We have all been there having a New Years Resolution and only sticking to it for a day.  I made sure this time was different and knew I had to do something about my weight.  A new year and new me and I was more motivated and ready than ever.  One major thing that was different this time was my faith and putting God at the center of my weight loss journey.

When I started I knew this would have to be a marathon and not a sprint.  Patience is key and still is something I am working on.  Thanks dad for the impatient genes lol.  I took it slow and kept working on getting the weight off.  I was over 300 lbs and sharing that number for the first time now.  Over time it became easier and I was changing my lifestyle.  Eating healthy and working out is something I became passionate about.  It was something that made me happy and let me tell you seeing the weight come off and results becomes addicting.  My weight loss journey was going really great and yes I had days that were hard but overall it was great! Notice I used the keyword was.  

I have hit a wall and can't seem to get over this next obstacle.  I somehow have to get over this wall but I don't have a rope to help pull me up.  This is where I am at now, after losing about 100 pounds it is time for me to make a change.  January 1, 2017 I decided to get back to getting the weight off.  I had become very lax and that southern food was just to good to give up.  ðŸ˜”  January started off fine and was getting my groove back, then I was thrown my first punch.  At the end of January my Granny had a stroke and after a week of fighting for her life she passed away.  During the time in between class I sat with my family at her bedside for hours.  We were to tired to cook and ate out and my good healthy decisions were not my priority.  Exactly one month after my Granny's passing came punch number 2.  This time it was with my mom (I will share her story on another post).  After this I realized I didn't have time to put my health and well being first.  My mom and family needed  me and I didn't have the time or energy to put my health in check.  June brought my final punch before knocking me out and making me realize I needed to make a change.  

This is where I am at now.  I am embarking on the second phase of my weight loss journey.  My motivation and drive is back.  As hard as this is for me I need to put my health and well being first.  If I am going to take care of my family I need to be healthy.  After watching many inspirational youtube videos.  Shoutout to, Mandy Nicole Fitness, Erica Love Fit and Gracies Journey.  These videos lit a fire under me and I am ready to fight back.  

So here we go!  I am going to post a weekly update and be honest and open about how my journey is going.  The good, bad and ugly!  For any of you out there who are embarking on the same thing WE CAN and WILL DO THIS!!!! 💪  I am here for you and would love for ya'll to share your own fitspiration stories with me.  

Until next time I hope ya'll have a great day and God Bless 😊


  1. Reading your blog because your dad said to and I'm already inspired.

  2. Happy for your journey! I've lost and kept off 50 lbs but want 20 more. I support you!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you!! WOW that is so amazing keep up the hard work and let me know how your journey progresses!

  3. This is awesome and you are doing great.. hope all is well and i look forward to keeping up with your story

    1. Thank you so much Brandon. Hope things are going great with you to :)

  4. Hey Dre... it's your cousin Sherry!!! I have told you so many times but here it is again. Your strength, determination and sparkly spirit are an inspiration to so many! Love ya girl! ✌️����

    1. Aww Sherry thank you so much that really means a lot!! :)


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