
Showing posts from October, 2017

Happy Birthday Dad...

Hey Ya'll and Welcome Back 💞 For today's blog post it is all about a very special person. Today is my amazing dads birthday.  He deserves a day that is all about him.  I know that it is going to be hard to want to celebrate today.  When dad and I think about today it is hard for us to want to be happy.  It isn't because it is dads birthday but a reminder of the hardest day of our lives. I want this to be a happy post though.  Will try my best dad to not make you cry! Dad I can't tell you how blessed and thankful I am to have you as my dad.  Today we celebrate another year of your life.  I feel like you deserve a day that is all about you.  Dad you always put others before yourself.  You are selfless and have one of the most caring hearts.   I think back to last Friday and Saturday.  In so many ways I feel like mom was sending you an early birthday gift.  From the ultimate UA tour to attending a...

What It's Like To Have A Sister With Autism...

Hey Ya'll and Welcome Back 💞 For todays post I wanted to share what it is like having a sister with autism. Rachel or as she likes to be called Rae Rae is my older sister.  Rae is high functioning autistic.  She is more independent than others with more severe forms.  Rae can take a shower by herself, eat, dress and do more independent type things.  One thing though is Rae could never live on her own.   Looking back now I feel like my parents did an incredible job raising the both of us.  I mean this in the sense that they never looked down upon Rae or treated her any differently.  It wasn't until I got older that I realized that Rae had autism.  I thank my parents for this because it made me learn to accept and love others at a young age.  To me Rae was just my older sister. As Rae and I got older I became more aware of her autism.  I guess I was able to understand it better and just saw that she needed ...

The Power of Animals...

Hey Ya'll and Welcome Back 💞 For todays post I wanted to share how powerful animals can be. Animals are such beautiful creatures.  In many ways they are the best kind of therapy.  They somehow are able to comfort us without having to say a word.  It's like they just know exactly what kind of obstacles were facing.  Animals don't judge us and are able to love in a way that is unique. On Sunday two therapy dogs came by to see mom.  Portia the greyhound in the picture above, and Farley a rat terrier.  They walked into the room and moms eyes lit up.  She has missed being away from her puppy and these puppies filled a void for her.  Portia came over to the side of the bed and just gently laid her head down.  It was her way of saying hi to mom. Each and every day it has become harder for mom to move her left hand and arm.  It has gotten more weak just in the last week.  Farley got up onto the bed.  He just cuddl...