What It's Like To Have A Sister With Autism...

Hey Ya'll and Welcome Back 💞
For todays post I wanted to share what it is like having a sister with autism.

Rachel or as she likes to be called Rae Rae is my older sister.  Rae is high functioning autistic.  She is more independent than others with more severe forms.  Rae can take a shower by herself, eat, dress and do more independent type things.  One thing though is Rae could never live on her own.  

Looking back now I feel like my parents did an incredible job raising the both of us.  I mean this in the sense that they never looked down upon Rae or treated her any differently.  It wasn't until I got older that I realized that Rae had autism.  I thank my parents for this because it made me learn to accept and love others at a young age.  To me Rae was just my older sister.

As Rae and I got older I became more aware of her autism.  I guess I was able to understand it better and just saw that she needed more help in different things.  Never for one second though did I think any differently of her.  In so many ways I became very protective over her.  Unfortunately there are just some people who think it is socially acceptable to make fun of those with disabilities.  Just because someone may look or act different than them, they feel the need to laugh or joke.  It makes me so mad still do this day if I see someone laugh at Rae.

One thing those people will never have is the extraordinary gift my sister has.  She never meets a stranger.  Rae will love and accept you no matter what and is the kindest person I know.  In many ways I wish I was more like her.  I wish I could just talk and be around people like she can.  I wish I could just love everyone like she can. I wish I could have the motivation to make everyone feel happy like she can.  I wish I could just talk to any person like she can.  I wish I could do more like she can.

Rae is someone who loves playing sports.  In middle school an instance happened when she was in track.  The coaches couldn't see past that she couldn't perform to the standards of others.  Rae enjoys running short distance and is so much better at it.  For some reason though the coaches couldn't grasp that.  I remember we were at one of her track meets.  She was running in the mile run.  If the coaches knew that my sister was a better short distance runner why on earth did they sign her up for the mile.  Rae began the race, as the race continued I felt so bad for my sister.  So many of the athletes were lapping her and poor Rae finished last.  It wasn't the fact she finished last I could care less about that. It was the fact I felt like she had been humiliated.  After the race I cried and was angry that the coaches did that, but Rae just went on like everything was fine.

This happened in several sports she tried to participate in, in middle school.  When she became a freshmen she transitioned to sports medicine or trainer which we call it.  I feel like this was the best thing my parents did for my sister in high school.  The head trainers were so good to her and allowed her to do what everyone else got to do.  Another thing was how many athletes loved Rae.  It was so amazing how they protected and stood up for her.  They had her back and so many still tell us how she was their favorite trainer.

Rae still has this love for playing sports.  When we lived in Austin she became a member of Special Olympics.  It was a place where she could enjoy playing sports and it was more her speed.  I can't tell you how many medals Rae has won through Special Olympics.  Rae asked me if I would be her powerlifting partner.  She pushed me out of my comfort zone and I did it because of her.  It was something we got to share and do as sisters. We really enjoyed it and even won some medals.

It really takes some special people to accept and love my sister like I do.  Two of my friends that are so good with her are Peyton and Lex.  They include her in so many things.  The way they interact with her and treat her is simply amazing.  It gets me emotional to think about how much they do for her. Thank you P and Lex for being such amazing friends!!   Rae got invited to an Alabama Softball practice on Tuesday.  She came home and couldn't stop smiling because of all the fun she had.  Rae got a vip tour of Rhoad's stadium.  She even came home with some goodies.  These players, coaches and staff just allow Rae to be Rae and they love and accept her in all her forms.

The past few weeks I have been observing Rae.  While mom was in hospice she became someone everyone loved seeing each day.  They would walk into moms room and ask "where is our buddy'? (meaning Rae) She had made such an impact on each person there right away.  It almost got to the point where we called her the director.  (now she is referred to as President)  She adapted to an environment that is sad and hard to be in, and brought people happiness during a hard time.  Seeing how she got to know everyone at hospice was very awesome to watch.

I love my sister so much.  I thank God for allowing me to be blessed with Rae.  She has opened my eyes to a whole different world.  We need more people like Rae in our lives and in this world.  If we had more Rachels this world would truly be a better place.  With having Rachel as a sister I have learned to be a voice for her and all those with autism.  I pray that I may bring more awareness on Rachel's behalf.
Rachel is an extraordinary human being doing extraordinary things.

Until next time, have a great day and God Bless 😊


  1. What a sweet blog! You are a great sister! How is she handling your mom?

    1. Thank you and she is ok right now. I just never know when her emotions will hit. She brings this joy to us when it is hard to be joyful.


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