The Power of Animals...

Hey Ya'll and Welcome Back 💞
For todays post I wanted to share how powerful animals can be.

Animals are such beautiful creatures.  In many ways they are the best kind of therapy.  They somehow are able to comfort us without having to say a word.  It's like they just know exactly what kind of obstacles were facing.  Animals don't judge us and are able to love in a way that is unique.

On Sunday two therapy dogs came by to see mom.  Portia the greyhound in the picture above, and Farley a rat terrier.  They walked into the room and moms eyes lit up.  She has missed being away from her puppy and these puppies filled a void for her.  Portia came over to the side of the bed and just gently laid her head down.  It was her way of saying hi to mom.

Each and every day it has become harder for mom to move her left hand and arm.  It has gotten more weak just in the last week.  Farley got up onto the bed.  He just cuddled with mom and laid right on her lap.  I helped mom take her arm out from under the covers.  Placing moms hand onto Farley I proceded to help her pet him.  Petting a dog something that use to be so easy for mom was now a challenge.  

Even though mom just had her hand on Farley it was still therapeutic.  Farley laid their for a little while and then it was Portia"s turn.  Portia was taller than Farley.  As you can see from the picture she had no trouble cuddling with mom.  She laid down and I placed moms hand on her head.  With Portia I helped mom pet her.  Portia was so sweet and bonded with mom in a very special way.

Monday mom got another puppy visit.  Peyton brought Benny who is Lex's dog.  He is one of the cutest dogs I think I've ever seen.  The last time mom was around Benny was when he was a puppy.  When Peyton and Benny entered the room, I told mom Benny was here.  Her eyes lit up and a smile came to her face.  Peyton walked Benny over to the left side of moms bed.  In just one day though her left side was weaker.  I could see in her that so badly she just wanted to pet Benny.  Peyton did a great job of getting Benny as close as she could to mom.  I love the picture shown above.  To me it looks like Benny is sitting having a conversation with mom.  He was so well behaved and I know mom really enjoyed getting to see Benny again.  Benny is another example of how animals just sense things and somehow find a way to make humans feel better.

When I went back and looked at this picture I found it so sweet.  I was joking that Benny was photobombing a beautiful moment between my parents. 

With  Farley, Portia and Benny they brought this sense of calmness.  As each got onto moms lap they in their own way told her it would be ok.  They cared and loved mom even though they didn't know her.  It was such a powerful moment.  Animals are a light in a time of darkness.  They show affection and love in a way that we all need.  

One day I was talking to mom.  It was after she had been pretty unresponsive. She told me she could hear the dogs.  I asked her, "what dogs"?  Mom replied with, "The ones in heaven"!  I tried to hold the tears back.  A major part of me believes mom is in between right now.  She is still here present on Earth, but also has been with God and gotten a glimpse of heaven.  After her sharing with me about the dogs that sort of confirmed what I was thinking.  

With the comment that mom had made something I hold onto.  I feel like Farley, Portia and Benny were visiting angels.  God sent these dogs  to check in on mom.  I am so glad mom got to enjoy time with these three sweet puppies.  Animals are in many ways what we need more of in this world.  If only humans could treat people how Farley, Portia and Benny treated mom.  It is important for us to love these animals because they love us.  

Until next time, have a great day and God Bless 😊


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