A Bad Day Turning Into A Day Of Healing

Hey Ya'll and Welcome Back 💞

For today's post I wanted to share how quickly something can change a bad day around.

After my classes I have been walking back to the parking lot in which I park on campus.  It is a chance for me to get in some form of exercise. Also, it is a time I can just talk to God and just think.  Normally my walks are great and no troubles at all.  This day in particular though was not the same.  As I was walking minding my own business, this Range Rover with two guys in it drives by.  They were stopping at the light I just passed.  I am the only person on the sidewalk at this time. The driver yells, "hey girl," in a sarcastic making fun of voice.  (my hair on top of my head and looking like a hot mess)  I look up at the guy and he and his friend are busting out laughing.  The passenger was making this your disgusting face and was also shaking his head.  I kept on walking fighting back tears, and was thinking why didn't I just reply with "hey a**holes," (excuse my language) but that was how mad I was.  

As I kept walking I just thought if they only knew what I was going through.  If these guys only knew I have been spending the night at a hospice house because I have a mom who is fighting for her life. Instead of judging and making fun of my outer appearance they could've just kept the window rolled up and minded their own business.  It didn't help that they were frat boys and gave themselves an even worse name.  After getting to my car I decided to stop at Starbucks and get some coffee and a snack.  I pull up the to the window and the guy their gives me this attitude and was very rude.  He hands me my things and doesn't even look at me.  Even after his rudeness I still felt the need to say thank you.  I could've just grabbed the items out of his hand and drove off, but I realized two wrongs don't make a right.  He slammed the window shut and as I drove off I was like wow did I not get the memo today.  

These two instances happened within a matter of twenty minutes.  I was even more angry and upset after the second one and was placed into a bad mood.  Once I arrived at the hospice house and walked into moms room my mood began to change.  She opened her eyes for a brief moment and I realized what was important and what I needed to put my energy into.  Even though she doesn't realize this she changed my day around.  It is hard because she doesn't really talk anymore but just seeing her made me feel better.

My day got even better I was reminded about a full body massage Hospice set up for me.  This was my first ever full body massage.  During the massage all of the built up emotions, worry, stress, anxiety, tension and negative feelings were lifted out of my body.  It was as if God had this angel come down and heal my body.  I cried during it because of everything being lifted off of my shoulders.  It was as if the anger I felt earlier that day was gone.  After this massage if these incidents had occurred I would've just smiled and not have let it affect me.  In this moment to I realized the importance of having some me time.  Taking care of myself and this was a place I felt I could heal.  I was in the happiest of moods and just wanted to share that with everyone.  After this massage I thought how doing this once a month would be very beneficial in my personal healing process.  

I feel like even though my day started out not so great, God had my back and said just wait.  In the beginning of the day I questioned why I was still kind to others.  That massage I realized that I needed to continue the kindness and good things come to those who wait.  So remember that we never know what obstacles others are facing.  Remain kind and spread kindness because by you doing so you could change someones day around.

Until next time, have a great day and God Bless 😊


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