A Special Kind of Love

Hey Ya'll

For today's blog I wanted to share about my amazing and loving family.  My mom, dad and sister are a huge reflection of who I am.  We don't get to choose our families and I honestly don't know what I did to deserve mine.  Each of these three amazing human beings love me for me even on my worst days.  

Let's start with my dad.  One of the most respected, loved and appreciated people I know.  He is the reason I want to become a counselor.  Ever since I was younger I use to watch him inspire high schoolers to follow their dreams and never settle.  The amount of people he has helped along his journey as a counselor is truly remarkable.  I feel like schools need more counselors and educators like my dad in general.  He is one of the best listeners I know and has students best interest at heart.  I am so proud of my dad for following his own dreams and getting his dream job. (working at his favorite University) 🐘 If it wasn't for him I wouldn't love The University of Alabama and would have never thought of attending this amazing school.  We share a passion for sports and I love getting to experience game days with him.  Thank you dad for being a shoulder to cry on and for allowing me to come to you for anything.  He is my strength and allows me to breakdown when times are hard.  I have learned from my dad that no goal is ever out of reach.  Love you Dad and just remember YOU ARE AWESOME!! 

My mom (bugs) don't ask why I call her bugs but it's just a nickname I have for her. 😂  I have written a special post all about her story.  There is a reason I call her my hero and I am looking forward to sharing her story.  Even though my mom has been through so much she continues to put a smile on her face and take on each new day.  She is one of the nicest most caring people I know.  One thing mom can do is throw down in the kitchen.  I don't know how she can come up with meals on the top of her head but my tummy is always happy.  My mom is a retired teacher and fun fact was also my kindergarten teacher.  She has taught me that even though life will throw it's challenges it's what you make of those challenges that will have an impact.  Thank you mom for having someone to vent to and for having someone to laugh with.  Love you Bugs!!

My beautiful sister Rachel or Rae as I call her.  She is my older sister even though she looks like she is 12 lol (has those good aging genes).  Rachel is autistic and is one of the greatest and most beautiful human beings I know.  She is one of the biggest blessings in my life and has opened my eyes to a whole new world.  Her autism doesn't define who she is and I want to bring more awareness on her behalf to autism and people with special needs in general.  She is smart and loves people no matter what.  Her memory is one of an elephant and if I ever need her to help me remember a date she has got my back.  Rachel will never be able to live on her own and I know that one day I will have to care for her.  When most would see that as a burden I find it to be a huge blessing.  We are just like any other sisters and have our moments but at the end of the day her love is something that this world needs.  Rachel is so great at sports and if it wasn't for Special Olympics she wouldn't be given an opportunity to compete.  She has won so many medals and has proven that she can be an athlete to.  One of my favorite moments has been getting to compete with her in powerlifting.  It is a moment we will always share and cherish.  I feel like we need more Rachel's in this world to teach us the beauty of being kind to one another.  Thank You Rae for being an amazing big sister and I love you!!

This is my family and I pray that every person can experience this kind of love. 💞 

Until next time hope ya'll have a great day and God Bless 😊


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