
Showing posts from September, 2017

The Things We Take For Granted...

Hey ya'll and Welcome back 💞 For todays post I wanted to just talk about the things we take for granted in everyday life. My moms journey has taught me many things.  One of the most important things it has taught me is the things in which we take for granted.  She has opened my eyes and to view life in a much different way.   I was in the room while they were bathing mom on Friday.  As I was sitting there it just really hit me that something as simple as a bath was very challenging for her.  It moved me to talk about how to be grateful for the little things in life.  Hopefully after reading this you will learn to just enjoy something as simple as using your hands and feet. Mom used to be able to enjoy so much in life.  Things such as taking a shower independently, eating on her own, going to an actual restroom, walking, communicating, and even something as simple as scratching her nose.  This list is endless and each new d...

The Story Behind our Love for Alabama Softball...

 Hey Ya'll and Welcome Back 💞 For todays post I want to share about a team that has become a family to us. I am a big believer of God placing people in your life for a reason.  My second semester at UA I was taking a biology course.  In that course I met one of my closest friends Alexis Osorio.  For those who don't know, Alexis or as I call her Lex is a pitcher for Alabama Softball.  We sat by each other and were in the same group for a group project.  I knew who Lex was because my family and I love watching Alabama Softball and the fact that she was in my class was awesome.  Lex and I began talking more and one day I asked her where the student section was for the game.  I also shared with her how much my family enjoyed the games.  They were having a tournament and Texas Tech happened to be one of the teams in that tournament.  I shared with Lex how Tech was like our second favorite school that we had a special place in our he...

A Bad Day Turning Into A Day Of Healing

Hey Ya'll and Welcome Back 💞 For today's post I wanted to share how quickly something can change a bad day around. After my classes I have been walking back to the parking lot in which I park on campus.  It is a chance for me to get in some form of exercise. Also, it is a time I can just talk to God and just think.  Normally my walks are great and no troubles at all.  This day in particular though was not the same.  As I was walking minding my own business, this Range Rover with two guys in it drives by.  They were stopping at the light I just passed.  I am the only person on the sidewalk at this time. The driver yells, "hey girl," in a sarcastic making fun of voice.  (my hair on top of my head and looking like a hot mess)  I look up at the guy and he and his friend are busting out laughing.  The passenger was making this your disgusting face and was also shaking his head.  I kept on walking fighting back tears, and was thi...

Alabama Football - Our Family Escape

Hey Ya'll and Welcome Back 💞 For todays post I wanted to share what our go to escape is.  I wish I had a picture from Saturday of the four of us.  We were all gathered around moms bed watching the Alabama game.  Even mom had her Alabama shirt on and it was just one of those moments I will hold onto forever. When mom was first diagnosed with cancer a month later we attended an Alabama football game.  Even though our lives had changed we still found a place to get our mind off of the negativities of moms cancer.  Alabama Football seemed to be a place we turned to help us during a hard time.  It took all of our minds off of what we were dealing with personally.  In some ways it even brought the four of us closer. On Sunday at mass Nick Saban sat behind me.  (yes you read this correctly, the head coach of Alabama).  When I turned around for the peace be with you and saw him and Ms. Terry (his wife) I tried so hard to contain mysel...

The Past Month...

Hey Ya'll and Welcome Back💞 I wanted to explain why I haven't uploaded a blog post in a while.   The picture I chose today is a major part of why I've been so busy.  I began classes again and just wanted to show off the beauty of UA.  My school schedule is Monday through Friday and I'm a full time student.  This semester has been hard for me though.  I love learning and attending my classes, the problem I am having is wanting to be social.  A huge part of me just wants to be able to attend each of my classes and not talk to anyone.  I have changed in a major way ever since receiving the news on mom.  Some of my classes are also challenging for the simple fact what we talk about is something I can relate to.   Earlier this week I really wanted to withdrawal from this semester.  School became overwhelming and I just didn't know how I could get through this semester.  I felt guilty for going to school and be...