
Showing posts from July, 2017

Week 1

Hey Ya'll and Welcome Back!      For todays post I wanted to share what my first week was like of my 12 week program.  I explained in a previous post exactly what I was doing for 12 weeks.  This 12 week program is something I have never done before.  Each week I will share how I really feel each day.   So here are my thoughts from week 1: Week 1, Day 1 -       I began this program on a Monday and was anxious and ready to start this new program.  The first day was all about tracking and figuring out how to reach my macros for the day.  I thought that I would struggle with keeping track of everything I ate.  Surprisingly  for me it was like playing a game.  For the past month I had been eating whenever I wanted and however much I wanted.  With that being said I thought I would be so hungry and felt deprived.  I would be lying if I said I didn't want more food.  It is amazing how qu...

A Special Kind of Love

Hey Ya'll For today's blog I wanted to share about my amazing and loving family.  My mom, dad and sister are a huge reflection of who I am.  We don't get to choose our families and I honestly don't know what I did to deserve mine.  Each of these three amazing human beings love me for me even on my worst days.   Let's start with my dad.  One of the most respected, loved and appreciated people I know.  He is the reason I want to become a counselor.  Ever since I was younger I use to watch him inspire high schoolers to follow their dreams and never settle.  The amount of people he has helped along his journey as a counselor is truly remarkable.  I feel like schools need more counselors and educators like my dad in general.  He is one of the best listeners I know and has students best interest at heart.  I am so proud of my dad for following his own dreams and getting his dream job. (working at his favorite University...

My 12 Week Weight Loss Program

Hey Ya'll and Welcome Back! (this post is longer but just wanted to explain the best I can)   I wanted to share a 12 week weight loss program that I created for myself.  I am going to be trying something I have never done before. (I am not a nutritionist or doctor and just sharing what I am personally doing).  Counting my macros and carb cycling.  Along with counting everything I eat I am also doing a fitness program.  I will explain all of this in today's post.  This is something that I have done tons of research on and wanted to see how it works for me.  After these twelve weeks I will reevaluate myself and make adjustments as needed.  Over time I feel like this program will become easier in terms of what meals work for me once I get the hang of it.  It will not be easy by any means but I am ready for the challenge!   Let's start with macros.  What are macros?  Macros are calculated by the amount of carbs,...

Tasty Tuesday featuring: Bell Pepper Stuffed with Meatloaf

Hey Ya'll and Welcome Back! On today's blog I have a recipe that is one of my absolute favs.  It is not only healthy but very macro - friendly.  Since I am carb cycling this is a great low carb, high protein meal that I can enjoy and get very full from. Here's how to make it: Ingredients : Note these are just items I put into mine but feel free to add your own take on it! 1 medium green bell pepper 4 oz of lean ground turkey 1 egg 1 tbsp of dry oats  garlic salt (dash) chopped dry onion (just sprinkled some in)  food scale (for exact measurements if your counting those macros) Using your food scale measure out 4 oz. of lean ground turkey. Add the egg and 1tbsp of dry oats. Mix the meat, egg and dry oats all together.  I like to fold the egg and oats into the meat. The only spices I used.  Garlic powder is much better than salt, but I don't add any other salt. Cut and Core the inside of your ...

Getting My Groove Back!

Hey Ya'll, January 1, 2014 I embarked on my own weight loss journey.  I had attempted many times before but I made sure this time was different.  On the outside I seemed like a happy person but on the inside I was disgusted with the person I saw.  I remember crying myself to sleep at night and feeling like maybe I am meant to just be a "bigger girl."  This was my lowest point in life when I was at my own rock bottom.  It was a dark and negative place that I never want to return to.   Ever since I was a little girl I had always been chubby and would look at food and felt like I gained 20 pounds.  I didn't know what moderation was and ate because I loved food (still love food).  Many people don't know this about me but I had a binge eating disorder that I kept very private.  Food controlled  my life and it was my go to especially during stressful times.  So on January 1, 2014 I told myself that my resolution would be to g...

Welcome to my Blog!

Hey Ya'll, My name is Dre and Vae is a nickname formed from my last name.  I wanted to create a blog where I share my journey of life.  I am currently embarking on a weight loss journey, but I wanted my blog to be more than just that one piece of my life.  In this blog I want to share and write about different topics.  Topics like, my family, friends, faith, fashion, beauty, sports and obviously health and fitness, and whatever else my heart desires.  Most of my blog will most likely be sharing my weight loss journey but I don't want that to be all I write about.   I was born and raised in Texas and moved to Tuscaloosa, Alabama last year to attend to The Greatest University (in my opinion) The University of Alabama.  Roll Tide!!! 🐘  One of my biggest passions in life is helping others.  With that being said I am getting a major in Human Development Family Studies with a concentration/minor in Adolescent/Youth Development.  ...